
Fluorite Point

The rainbow fluorite crystal is connected to various spiritual practices and holds a deep spiritual meaning. It helps you to connect with the spiritual realm and get rid of negativity and poor health. The crystal is ideal to practice deep meditation and for concentrating on your studies and several other spiritual practices.

All colors of Fluorite energize our mind and spirit, swiftly shifting us into a positive state of being, able to focus our energies appropriately. It helps us to assess situations correctly and determine what is needed and how to use our gifts for the Greatest Good, both for ourselves and for the world at large. Fluorite celebrates individuality, reducing the power of outside influences and encouraging us to take control of our own lives. It encourage us to make decisions and create practical systems so that we can stay stable and grounded, while living dynamic and creative lives. Yellow Fluorite shines a bright light on the links of love that connect all beings with each other and with the divine. By meditation on these links, we can better know our own role and how to be a force of goodness and strength.

Blue Fluorite enhances our spiritual awakening through its connection to the Third Eye Chakra. It heightens our intuition, clarity and focus. It has a calming, serene energy that stifles anxious and worrisome thoughts creating inner peace.

Purple Fluorite has been used and admired by people since ancient days. Over time, as the healing properties of Purple Fluorite were discovered, it was given different nicknames. Some of the names for this stone that you may encounter include Dream Crystal, Genius Stone, Focus Stone and Home Of The Rainbow. 



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