
Assorted Aura Quartz Points

Angel Aura Quartz - (Iridescent) is Clear Quartz bonded with platinum and silver, sometimes gold or other trace metals; exhibits a light blue, rainbow and silvery iridescence like the gossamer wings of angels. It carries a very loving and sweet energy, stimulating the spirit and elevating one’s mood. Meditating with this crystal allows one to enter a state of serenity and peace, purification and rest, and to go beyond the body to perceive and receive help from one’s angel guides. Angel Aura assists in remembering lessons from past incarnations and attuning to one’s spiritual purpose. It is a marvelous aid for recognizing beauty, from Nature and Spirit, from within, and in others. Use Angel Aura for loving communications, in romantic pursuits, in caring for children and the aged, and in all healing situations. It may also be used to align and purify all chakras, allowing for the Rainbow Light Body activation and integration.

Aqua Aura Quartz - (Blue) is Clear Quartz bonded with gold; produces an electric sky blue crystal with subtle flashes of rainbow iridescence; named for its rich Aquamarine color, and perhaps the most popular of the Aura Quartz family. It has a high, intense vibration used to enhance other minerals for healing, and a potent stone when used in body layouts for chakra activation. It has a calm, relaxing effect on the emotional body, is exceptional for releasing negativity and stress, and is soothing and healing to the aura. It is particularly stimulating to the throat; enhancing one’s ability to express emotions in a constructive, positive manner and encouraging one to speak their truth from the heart. Aqua Aura Quartz activates soul energy; freeing one from limitations and creating space for something new. It deepens spiritual attunement, and can be an aid for conscious channeling and all types of inter-dimensional communication. Aqua Aura Quartz safeguards against psychic attack, energy drain and spiritual vampirism. It also provides profound peace during meditation - opening gateways to the angelic realm. 

Rose Aura Quartz - (Pink) is Clear Quartz bonded with platinum, sometimes with additional gold or silver; exhibits a lovely raspberry rose metallic sheen. The gentle energy of Rose Aura Quartz is uplifting, but not overwhelming, and produces a marvelous frequency that stimulates the pineal gland and the heart to transmute deeply held doubts about self-worth. It is a favorite among young women, especially if they have suffered from body image issues, abuse, or who have been deserted or rejected in love. This crystal makes a powerful connection to Universal Love, and bestows the gift of unconditional love of the Self. It permeates the whole body with its energy and restores the cells to perfect balance.

Sun Aura Quartz - (Orange) is Clear Quartz bonded with gold and iron; produces a bright, shimmering yellow-orange iridescence. This crystal has a dynamic energy, is connected to higher forces, and is deeply supportive of spiritual exploration. It is great for visualization and gaining profound insight. Use Sun Aura Quartz (Tangerine Aura) to disperse dark moods and uplift the spirit. It makes one more responsive, and imparts the ability to face life’s challenges with equanimity and cheerfulness. Tangerine Aura unites energy in the body to provide a cleansing, energetic flow throughout the body and to stimulate one’s creativity. It aligns clarity, insight, and perspective with strength to help the mind analyze and categorize. Sun Aura Quartz stabilizes the link between the physical and subtle bodies, penetrating every cell with potent energy to recharge and invigorate cell function and initiate subtle DNA changes.

Tanzine Aura Quartz - (Purple) is Clear Quartz bonded with gold and indium, sometimes with additional niobium; forms as blue, indigo, and purple crystals with a soft, metallic sheen. Also called Azure Aura, Celestial Aura, and sometimes mistakenly “Tanzanite” Aura. It is, at times, referred to as Indigo Aura, though Indigo Aura is enhanced with gold and iridium. Tanzine Aura Quartz facilitates multi-dimensional balance and profound spiritual interconnection; believed to bring connection with Raziel, the Archangel of mysteries and esoteric knowledge. It opens and aligns the Soul Star- drawing cosmic energy into the physical body and to Earth. It is excellent for meditation and enkindles a centered “no-mind” state that enhances sensual enjoyment of the world. Tanzine Aura Quartz offers deep spiritual comfort, dissolving emotional blockages and replacing them with unconditional love and the sense of being part of a greater soul group. Tanzine Aura Quartz is credited with regulating the pituitary, hypothalamus, and pineal glands bringing equilibrium to the system.

Aura on a crystal is simply a form of alchemy! They are made through a technique that electro-statically bonds metals and minerals (like platinum, titanium, gold, silver, etc..) to the base crystal. The crystals are placed into a chamber that is heated up to 800 degrees Celsius, and then the Aura is added until its atoms bond to the surface of the crystal. Aura is extremely high vibrational and is known to intensify the energy of the base crystal, plus bring in new fresh energy.

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