Aphrodite's Shell of Radiance Pendant
Aphrodite's Shell of Radiance Pendant
Aphrodite's Shell of Radiance Pendant
Aphrodite's Shell of Radiance Pendant
Aphrodite's Shell of Radiance Pendant
Aphrodite's Shell of Radiance Pendant
Aphrodite's Shell of Radiance Pendant
Aphrodite's Shell of Radiance Pendant
Aphrodite's Shell of Radiance Pendant
Aphrodite's Shell of Radiance Pendant
Aphrodite's Shell of Radiance Pendant
Aphrodite's Shell of Radiance Pendant

Aphrodite's Shell of Radiance Pendant

Aphrodite, the illustrious Greek goddess of love and beauty, epitomizes the essence of heartfelt and genuine communication. The shell, her emblem, symbolizes the beauty and femininity she radiates, encapsulating her connection to the sea and the origins of her birth. Aphrodite's presence is imbued with sensuality, passion, and the exultation of love's myriad forms. She personifies the magnetic allure of romantic and physical affection, captivating the hearts of those who invoke her essence. Her energy encompasses the spectrum of love's dynamics, embodying both the tenderness and the intensity that can arise from deep emotional connections. Through Aphrodite's guidance, we learn to navigate the complexities of love, embracing its power to transform and enrich our lives.

This handcrafted Shell is a one-of-a-kind amulet that will help you tap into soul guidance, the power of love, sensuality, passion, and the exultation of love's myriad forms.

The piece features 1 gemstone. Each stone is set in a 24k gold plating and hangs on a gold-filled chain.

Choose your Stone.

Emerald on a Yellow Gold-Filled Adjustable Chain: Emerald is a life-affirming stone. It opens the heart chakra and calms the emotions. It provides inspiration, balance, wisdom, and patience. It is said to promote friendship, peace, harmony, and domestic bliss by enabling the wearer to both give and receive unconditional love.

Morganite on an 18" Yellow Gold-Filled Venetian Box Chain: Morganite is connected to the heart and is attuned to the heart chakra. Morganite is believed to bring healing, compassion and promise to those who wear it. Morganite opens wearers to unconditional love while dissolving ego.

Morganite on an 18" Yellow Gold-Filled Venetian Box Chain: Morganite is connected to the heart and is attuned to the heart chakra. Morganite is believed to bring healing, compassion and promise to those who wear it. Morganite opens wearers to unconditional love while dissolving ego.

Blue Topaz on an 18" Yellow Gold-Filled Venetian Box Chain:  This vivacious blue gemstone is known as the stone of clarity. The Blue Topaz meaning allows you to channel your inner wisdom and find the perfect pathways to successful opportunities. Anyone who wears this gemstone should embrace their authentic self, trust their power, and revel in good fortune.

This magical amulet reminds you of love, beauty, & radiance.