Pink Heulandite, Stilbite, and Pink Chalcedony Specimen
Pink Heulandite, Stilbite, and Pink Chalcedony Specimen

Pink Heulandite, Stilbite, and Pink Chalcedony Specimen

double sided

1.5 lbs

6" x 3.5" x 3"




It will strip away your layers of protection and allow you to be yourself. It will let you fly free and chase after your true happiness!

Stilbite is also a powerful manifestation stone. When you connect with the energy of this stone, you will be able to turn your dreams to reality.

You will be able to unlock the messages that your dreams contain, and you will be able to receive direction, clarity, and purpose from the energies of this stone.

This stone will remove the obstacles that are preventing you from being happy and satisfied.

It will also get rid of your self-destructive tendencies.

Stilbite will enhance your intuition and bring you a loving and supportive vibration.

It will also help you understand the guidance that you receive from your spirit guides and guardian angels.

It’s an excellent stone for remembering your past lives and clearing your thoughts for manifestation.

It will accelerate your spiritual growth. Stilbite will bring you soul information and the spiritual realities that you need.

This stone will facilitate soul healing and increase your ability to receive psychic information and spiritual energies.


Chalcedony is a nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood and good will. It absorbs negative energy. It brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony instills feelings of benevolence and generosity. It alleviates hostility and transforms melancholy into joy.


Heulandite calms nervousness and alleviates feelings of fear. Heulandite enhances cognitive abilities and clarity of thought. It energetically supports the evolution of the brain and the development of consciousness without thought. White Heulandite emits a frequency that stimulates dreams and visions